Do you enjoy or endure winter?

For some, the winter season heralds participation in winter sports or throwing snowballs. For others, it’s boarding a plane or cruise ship and traveling to warmer climates. My favourite place on a cold winter’s day is sitting beside a roaring fire, sipping a favourite drink, and getting immersed in a good book.

Winter, like each season, has an important process to complete. Autumn is the time for discarding what is depleting the life source of a tree — winter is the time of replenishment. The decomposing stage of fallen leaves is the preparation stage for the new leaves of Spring. The tree rejuvenates during these months but the process is not evident until new buds appear. Spring will always follow winter — such is the cycle of seasons. Our life progresses through seasons, also

A winter season requires extra measures for maintaining good health. Lack of sunlight disrupts our internal body clock and can impact our wellbeing. Similarly, loss and grief in our lives can feel bleak as a wintry rainy day and requires extra kindness to our mind, body, and soul.
The phrase, ‘dark night of the soul’ is often used to describe a difficult and painful period in life: death, divorce, diagnosis, disconnection, disappointment, or disbanded dreams. Acknowledging a time as a ‘harsh winter life experience’ may not lessen discomfort, but can ease the fear of permanence. Spring always follows winter.

We are currently navigating winter in New Zealand. If the weather is negatively impacting your well-being position yourself in
the presence of something uplifting or enjoyable. Connect with someone you have fun with; immerse yourself in nature; play with a baby; cuddle a pet; toast marshmallows over a fire; jump in puddles; dance, sing, paint… give yourself permission to be, do, and have what works for you!

If you are feeling stuck in winter woes, be assured:

Even the harshest winter has its shortest day and from that day on the earth is turning its face towards the sun and every sunrise promises warmer and longer days.




Trish Beauchamp: Online Life Coach

I help people live the life they want and resolve what they no longer want.