Photo credit: Simon Kadula

Entitlement — what is your view?


Are we entitled to be, do and have all we want?

Feeling entitled is an attitude — a learned response. It is cultivated through acquired behaviours, beliefs, and prejudices about how life should be.

As newborn infants, our survival is dependent on caregivers providing essential needs; air, water, food, shelter, sleep, and safety.

But, are we entitled to experience; long-lasting relationships, economic stability, job satisfaction, and optimum health?

Ask and it shall be given to you,’ ‘You manifest what you vibrate,’ ‘Fake it til you make it’- I‘ve been a recipient of these assurances. Some contributed to personal and spiritual growth, some instilled a belief of being entitled to have the things I wanted.

I have also been on the receiving end of; racism, sexism, ageism, idealism, narcissism, hedonism, and fundamentalism — you will have your experience of ‘ism’ when someone felt entitled to treat you a certain way.

Awareness is always the first key to recognise and addressing unwarranted prejudices and discrimination towards us, or we have towards others. What is learned can also be unlearned — this is a reality of growth and maturity.

My curiosity about life leads me down interesting paths of discovery. These are some insights I have gleaned;

Life holds all things possible — nothing is guaranteed.

Life isn’t fair — it never will be.

Life is a journey — it’s not a destination.

Life requires interactions with others — only some will be wonderful.

Life can be gratifying — the more grateful you are the more gratifying life can be.

My perspective of entitlement has shifted…

I now welcome positive opportunities that are available to me, but I no longer feel entitled to have them.

- I give wholeheartedly to significant relationships, knowing I may experience disappointment.

- I invest time and energy into my career, knowing financial security is obtainable but not inevitable.

- I nurture my health, knowing my body requires self-care but is designed to age.

How we view entitlement will impact our relationship with ourselves, as well as how we relate with others.

What lens are you looking through?




Trish Beauchamp: Online Life Coach

I help people live the life they want and resolve what they no longer want.